Jo Moreno
Normal birth. 1 hour delivery. 04/10/70. Extremely poorly, projectile vomiting Major op 3 wks old to investigate jaundice. Cut open up her middle. No scans in them days. We were told she needed a new liver, not a possibility, we would be lucky to have her 3 months. She was always ill so had to…

Chris Gooch
When Emma was born in 1971 the consultant who came to visit said she had a heart murmur, possible hip dysplasia and the obvious defect of improperly formed fingers and toes. She had her first operation at 15 months which was devastating. It took place in Mount Vernon Hospital (a plastic surgery unit) and the…

Margaret Roberts
My son Garry was born in 1964. I’d been to see my doctor 9 months earlier and was given 2 tablets, one to be taken in the morning and one 12 hours later. I was told that if I didn’t bleed then I was pregnant, and to our delight I was pregnant and had a…

Daniel Mason
Daniel Mason gives his testimony to the Independent Medicines & Medical Devices Safety Review in May 2019.